Sequence of jason bourne movies
Sequence of jason bourne movies

sequence of jason bourne movies

People still need do the right thing, otherwise the center won’t hold."Įxactly! Genuinely, I’m thrilled that you got that, because that was very important to us. With so much hostility and anti-government sentiment in the air lately, it was interesting to see a movie that seemed to be saying, "Okay, these institutions may be corrupt, but you can’t just flip the table. But his entire struggle is that he also wants to be a good person. One dynamic that struck me is that Bourne is a character that has been wronged by these government agencies, and he sometimes takes extreme measures to set things right. It all came together really quickly from there.

sequence of jason bourne movies

So we blocked out some time, and Chris and I sat down, and actually, I was amazed how quickly that we found the story. I thought, "Okay, I get it." It doesn’t get you, but it gets you to the point of wanting to see if you could. Maybe we should do them the honor of seeing if we can find. We had lunch one day and talked about it, sort of in a serious way, and one of the things that Matt said that really landed with me was that we’re very lucky to have an audience that loves the character, and loves the world, and loves what we do. I was very skeptical - to begin with, anyway. They felt that we could do one, that enough time had passed and the world had changed, and maybe it would be great to find out what Bourne had been doing and see if we could craft a story. It was really Matt and my friend Chris Rouse. I didn’t plan to, it just sort of happened. Why did you feel it was time to finally come back? "We're lucky to have an audience that loves the character and loves what we do." Originally the next Bourne film was going to be a sequel focused on Jeremy Renner’s character, and you and Matt were still staying away.

Sequence of jason bourne movies